HellDB is a distributed key-value store that lives in memory. It’s written in Go to be performant and fault tolerant with wrappers existing in multiple languages.
Download a binary from the releases page or build it yourself -
$ go get github.com/heldatabase/helldb
$ helldb
2021/01/15 15:59:04 serving hell on http://localhost:8080
HellDB is extremely simple to use. After running it on port 8080, you can send queries over http like so -
$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/query -d "query=GET hello;" | json_pp
Or using some programming language -
import requests
url = 'http://localhost:8080/query'
res = requests.post(url, data={'query': 'GET name;'}).json()
Or you can use a client libraries -